Galapagos Islands

During our voyage on the Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Endeavour II through the stunning landscapes of the Galapagos Islands archipelago, we had the opportunity to witness giant tortoises, blue-footed boobies, iguanas, penguins, and sea lions and many more that left us in awe. We explored both land and sea, indulging in hikes, photo walks, kayaking, paddle boarding, and snorkeling each day. Expertly guided by our knowledgeable local naturalists and photographers, we experienced fresh adventures that made for an unforgettable experience. As someone who loves photography, especially capturing wildlife and the natural environment, being able to see these incredible creatures up close and personal was an amazing experience. I believe that it's important that we all understand and appreciate the value of these animals and work together to protect them, which is why I care so much about their well-being and want to do my part to help.

Lindblad Expeditions -aboard the National Geographic Endeavour 11

In the mosaic of my life this experience and it’s effect upon me is unbreakable, enduring, ensuring its place as a cornerstone of my personal history and will be remembered for eternity.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business.

North Seymour and Rabida Islands

April 7, 2024

Itinerary Provided by Lindbland Expeditions -National Geographics

“North Seymour Island is an uplifted piece of seafloor, home to land iguanas, sea lion colonies, blue-footed booby and frigatebird nesting colonies. After an early morning hike among the rich wildlife, you’ll have the chance to snorkel among dense schools of tropical fish and reef sharks at the base of the cliffs. This afternoon, you’ll land on the bright red volcanic sand of a charming beach on Rábida Island. You can snorkel among the friendly Galápagos sea lions, kayak along the picturesque coast, and take a hike into the island to search for hawks and other land birds.”

On April 7th, during an expedition to Santa Cruz Island, my fellow explorers and I had an unforgettable experience. We travelled to Playa Las Bach by Zodiac and, with the help of naturalists, hiked to the shallow lagoons. While there, we witnessed Great Blue Herons and Galapagos Frigate Birds hunting tiny turtles that had just hatched from their eggs. Despite my hope that the turtles would survive, it became clear that none of them in this nest had made it through the night as the birds had preyed on all of them. These small turtles were among the first to hatch, and more would soon emerge from the other nests to continue the cycle of life. With an estimated survival rate of only 1 out of every 1,000 sea turtle hatchlings reaching adulthood, we must continue to support research efforts to protect this emblematic species of the Galápagos Marine Reserve. To ensure the safety of 400 nests of Galápagos sea turtles, the Galápagos Conservancy has implemented intensive monitoring. For more information, please visit

Seeing the Sally Lightfoot Crabs in the Galapagos Islands was such an impressive sight.

Witnessing the Sally Lightfoot Crabs in the Galapagos Islands was an incredible experience. These colorful crustaceans emerged from the volcanic rocks, showcasing their vibrant red and orange carapaces in the fading light. Their agile movements across the rocky terrain were truly remarkable. Each crab displayed its own unique personality, contributing to the dynamic energy of the scene. Against the backdrop of the rugged Galapagos landscape, with the salty breeze and the sound of crashing waves, the Sally Lightfoot Crabs added vivid color and life to the moment. It served as a powerful reminder of the incredible diversity and resilience of life on Earth.

Galapagos Land Iguana  and small lizards

Seeing the Galapagos Land Iguana and small lizards was like stepping into a prehistoric realm where time seemed to stand still and ancient creatures roamed freely. As we ventured through the sun-scorched terrain of the islands, the sight of these remarkable reptiles invoked a sense of wonder and fascination.

The Galapagos Land Iguana, with its majestic stature and intricate patterns adorning its scales, commanded attention as it basked in the warm sunlight. Its slow, deliberate movements hinted at a timeless wisdom accumulated over centuries of existence in this isolated paradise. Each step it took resonated with the echoes of a bygone era, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all life forms and the enduring legacy of evolution.

Meanwhile, the small lizards darted among the rocks with lightning speed, their vibrant hues blending seamlessly with the volcanic landscape. Despite their diminutive size, they exuded an undeniable sense of vitality and resilience, perfectly adapted to thrive in this harsh environment. Their agile movements and keen senses spoke volumes about their ability to survive and thrive against all odds, a testament to the ingenuity of nature's design.

In the presence of these ancient reptiles, we couldn't help but feel a profound sense of reverence for the natural world and its mysteries. It was a privilege to witness firsthand the intricate tapestry of life in the Galapagos Islands, where every creature played a vital role in shaping the delicate balance of ecosystems that had endured for millennia.

Birds seen at the Galapagos Islands

As the sun rose over the Galapagos Islands, the air was filled with the melodic symphony of bird calls. These remote islands are a living laboratory of evolution, where each bird species tells a unique tale of adaptation and survival. From the majestic waved albatross to the colorful blue-footed booby, every creature adds a new thread to the rich tapestry of life in this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Their presence inspires awe and reverence, weaving a story of nature's beauty that leaves a lasting impression on all who are fortunate enough to witness its splendor firsthand.

Fernandina and Isabela Island

Apr 8, 2024 National Geographic Endeavour II in Galápagos

As part of our journey with Lindbland Expeditions and National Geographic, we had the opportunity to explore the remarkable Fernandina Island in the Galápagos. Known as the youngest and most pristine island in the archipelago, the raw beauty of the stark black lava flows was a sight to behold. Accompanied by a knowledgeable naturalist, we embarked on a hike that made us feel as if we had stepped into the very moment of the island's creation.

The morning brought a truly unforgettable encounter with the renowned marine iguanas of the Galápagos. Basking in the sun along the shoreline, these magnificent creatures appeared as if they were guardians of this extraordinary realm. The coastline came alive with brightly colored Sally Lightfoot crabs scurrying among the rocks, while playful sea lions added to the dynamic scene against the backdrop of imposing volcanoes.

Our snorkeling adventure presented an underwater paradise, where we were fortunate to come across graceful green sea turtles grazing amidst the abundant algal beds. The sheer abundance of marine life and the untouched nature of Fernandina Island left a lasting impression that was truly unparalleled.

Later in the day, as the National Geographic Endeavour II sailed across the channel to Isabela Island, the journey continued to astonish. The opportunity to witness the enormous collapsed caldera of Ecuador Volcano, while crossing the Equator, was a humbling experience. Additionally, Zodiac rides along the coast revealed sightings of Galápagos fur seals, penguins, and an array of other captivating species, further adding to the magic of our adventure.As part of our journey with Lindbland Expeditions and National Geographic, we had the opportunity to explore the remarkable Fernandina Island in the Galápagos. Known as the youngest and most pristine island in the archipelago, the raw beauty of the stark black lava flows was a sight to behold. Accompanied by a knowledgeable naturalist, we embarked on a hike that made us feel as if we had stepped into the very moment of the island's creation.

The morning brought a truly unforgettable encounter with the renowned marine iguanas of the Galápagos. Basking in the sun along the shoreline, these magnificent creatures appeared as if they were guardians of this extraordinary realm. The coastline came alive with brightly colored Sally Lightfoot crabs scurrying among the rocks, while playful sea lions added to the dynamic scene against the backdrop of imposing volcanoes.

Our snorkeling adventure presented an underwater paradise, where we were fortunate to come across graceful green sea turtles grazing amidst the abundant algal beds. The sheer abundance of marine life and the untouched nature of Fernandina Island left a lasting impression that was truly unparalleled.

Later in the day, as the National Geographic Endeavour II sailed across the channel to Isabela Island, the journey continued to astonish. The opportunity to witness the enormous collapsed caldera of Ecuador Volcano, while crossing the Equator, was a humbling experience. Additionally, Zodiac rides along the coast revealed sightings of Galápagos fur seals, penguins, and an array of other captivating species, further adding to the magic of our adventure.

Galapagos Marine Iguana 

The Galapagos land iguanas and their marine counterparts have a fascinating history that dates back to common ancestors who drifted out to sea from the South American continent millions of years ago. After arriving in the Galapagos, they started to diverge from one another at different points in time, resulting in the diverse species we see today. This remarkable journey and evolution have contributed to the unique biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands.

It was absolutely amazing to have the opportunity to see and photograph these incredible creatures. Their unique characteristics and behaviors make them a truly captivating subject for photography. Seeing them in their natural habitat was an unforgettable experience and it gave me a deeper appreciation for the evolution and diversity of life on the Galapagos Islands.

I had the incredible opportunity to capture the magnificence of the Galapagos fur seals on the red sand beach through my camera lens. As I carefully approached the seals, their playful and curious nature became evident. The contrast of their sleek, dark fur against the vibrant red sand created a stunning visual spectacle. With each click of the camera, I sought to convey the grace and beauty of these magnificent creatures. The experience left me in awe of the natural wonders that exist in our world.

Isabela Island: Urbina Bay and Tagus Cove

Apr 9, 2024

Itinerary Provided by Lindbland Expeditions -National Geographics

"In 1954, over half a square mile of marine reef off the coast of Urbina Bay was uplifted almost instantaneously by as much as 15 feet. Evidence of this event abounded in the area. Visitors landed on a turtle nesting beach of black sand and had a couple of hike options to look for the wildlife of the area, including a large land iguana nesting colony and occasional giant tortoise sightings. There was also time for a swim from the beach at the end of the walk. In the afternoon, the ship re-positioned to the historical Tagus Cove, a sheltered bay that had been a popular anchorage for centuries for visitors, including Charles Darwin on the HMS Beagle. Activities visitors could choose there included a scenic hike that overlooked a volcanic crater with a lake inside, Zodiac rides, and kayaking outings to look for penguins, flightless cormorants, shorebirds, and even some deep-water snorkeling."

We explored the central-western part of Isabela Island, a region shaped by the Cromwell cold water current originating from the Indo-Pacific region. The bay was teeming with life, and its sandy shores served as nesting grounds for sea turtles. Venturing inland, our search for giant tortoises proved fruitful almost immediately; we encountered our first one near the entrance. These magnificent creatures freely roamed the Manzanillo Forest, sharing their habitat with land iguanas. Along the trail, we marveled at the sight of yellow land iguanas basking in the sunlight. The morning culminated in a refreshing swim in the tranquil bay. Later in the day, we embarked on a kayaking adventure in the picturesque cove nestled in the northern reaches of Isabela Island.

Santiago Island

Apr 10, 2024

Itinerary Provided by Lindbland Expeditions -National Geographics

"After an optional pre-breakfast hike behind one of the largest turtle nesting beaches in Galápagos, we explored the spectacular Buccaneer Cove by Zodiac and kayak. We also enjoyed snorkeling among the dense schools of reef fish that found refuge in the indented shoreline. In the afternoon, hikes at Puerto Egas led us through a fascinating geological landscape of mixed ash and lava flows, tidal pools, and grottoes. Inhabiting the area, we found Galápagos sea lions and fur seals, marine iguanas, land and shore birds, and brilliant Sally Lightfoot crabs."

Blue-Footed Booby

The first time one encounters the iconic Blue-footed Booby on a trip to the Galapagos Islands is an unforgettable experience. The vibrant azure feet and comical expressions of these seabirds make for a truly memorable sighting. Whether they are perched on rocky outcrops or gracefully diving into the crystal-clear waters, observing these birds in their natural habitat is a remarkable experience..

Santa Cruz Island

Apr 11, 2024

Itinerary Provided by Lindbland Expeditions -National Geographics

I still vividly remember my visit to Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos Islands. It was a breathtaking experience filled with adventure and incredible encounters with wildlife.

One of the highlights was our visit to Puerto Ayora, the largest town in the archipelago. We explored the giant tortoise breeding corrals, witnessing firsthand the successful efforts to restore wild populations to a natural state. It was truly inspiring to see the conservation work supported by the Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic Fund.

After spending some time in town, we headed to the highlands of Santa Cruz. The afternoon was spent immersing ourselves in the cultural and natural attractions of the highlands, where local farms produce much of the island's bounty. We even had the chance to stop for lunch at a local ranch dedicated to conservation.

But the most extraordinary part of our visit was the opportunity to see tortoises roaming in the wild. As we explored the highlands, we were treated to the sight of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat, a moment I'll never forget.

In addition to the incredible wildlife, Santa Cruz Island also left a lasting impression with its bustling human settlement of about 20,000 people. The dedicated efforts of the National Park and the Charles Darwin Foundation to protect wildlife through science and conservation patrols were truly evident, adding depth to our journey.

Overall, my time on Santa Cruz Island was an unforgettable adventure, filled with both natural wonders and the vital work of those committed to preserving this unique ecosystem.

San Cristobal Island

Apr 12, 2024

Itinerary Provided by Lindbland Expeditions -National Geographics

This day was an unforgettable morning as we set off to explore Punta Pitt, the easternmost point of the Galapagos archipelago. As we approached the island, the sight of the green sand beach glistening in the sunlight took our breath away. After landing, we embarked on a mesmerizing hike up to the eroded tuff cone, where we were treated to the awe-inspiring sight of various seabirds in their natural habitat. The vibrant red-footed boobies captured our attention, and we were delighted to observe the majestic blue-footed boobies getting ready for the mating season. Our adventure continued with exhilarating Zodiac rides along the base of the cliffs, offering us the perfect vantage point to admire these magnificent creatures.

The day held even more surprises as we ventured into the crystal-clear waters for a snorkeling and paddleboarding session off the beach. The underwater world teemed with life, and we found ourselves immersed in the beauty of the marine ecosystem. It was a truly magical experience to swim among the vibrant sea life and soak in the unmatched tranquility of the surroundings.

As we reflect on the day's incredible adventures, we are filled with gratitude for the opportunity to witness the unique wildlife and stunning landscapes of Punta Pitt. This morning will forever hold a special place in our hearts as a treasured moment of exploration and discovery in the remarkable Galapagos Islands.

Galapagos Brown Pelican

While exploring the Galapagos Islands, I had an incredible photography experience capturing the impressive Galapagos Brown Pelicans in their natural habitat. The opportunity to photograph these resilient birds navigating through the equatorial waters was truly captivating. Their remarkable agility and adaptability made for stunning images, and it was a privilege to document their thriving existence in such a distant and secluded environment.

Galapagos Sea Lions or Fur Seals?

As I strolled along the sun-kissed shores of the Galapagos, I couldn't help but notice the marine life that inhabited the azure waves. Sea lions and seals often caught my attention with their playful antics, but it was the distinct differences between the two that truly fascinated me.

At first glance, I was struck by the sea lions' elongated snouts, a feature that set them apart from their seal counterparts. Their sleek, predatory profile, coupled with the placement of their eyes farther back on their heads, made them appear as though they were ready for action at any moment.

The most striking dissimilarity, however, was their size. Despite being the smallest species of sea lions globally, the Galapagos sea lions still dwarfed their seal counterparts in terms of bulk and stature. Whether basking lazily on the shores or frolicking amidst the waves, their imposing presence was undeniable.

On the other hand, the Galapagos seals exuded a more diminutive charm. Their compact frames and rounded features reflected a lifestyle adapted to the demands of their underwater habitat. Despite lacking the sea lions' imposing presence, the seals' graceful movements and endearing antics captivated the hearts of onlookers, including mine.

Recognizing these subtle distinctions in size and morphology allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate diversity of life thriving in the Galapagos marine environment. From the sleek elegance of sea lions to the understated charm of seals, each species contributed to the rich tapestry of biodiversity that made the Galapagos Islands a beacon of natural wonder.

Tortoises Mating

As a photographer, I followed the sounds of grunting and scraping and stumbled upon a fascinating sight: two giant Galápagos tortoises mating at sunset. I approached with great care and took photos, making sure not to disturb them. As the female tortoise signaled the end of the encounter, she slowly walked away, leaving the male behind. It was a rare privilege to witness such an intimate moment through my lens. This experience served as a powerful reminder of the ancient rhythms that still exist in the remote parts of our planet.

All these moments branded themsleves upon my soul, its mark enduring, unforgettable, and irreplaceable.


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